Speaking Engagements

Have you attended a conference, symposium,  other event and wished you could have time to ask questions that were pertinent to you?   Contact me if you would like me to meet with your group  and be inspired about your future.

These presentations are designed to help families reach a greater understanding of the types of government benefits programs available; these benefits are presented in clear, concise language – we spend time discussing what the government benefits and programs are, there importance, when to apply, how to apply, how to qualify, and how much money the individual with special needs may possibly receive. We will discuss the process of transitioning between RSDI (Retirement, Survivors and Disability Insurance) and SSI (Supplemental Security Income), and how to keep Medicaid and/or Medicare without the government benefits of SSI or SSDI. We also discuss maximizing the benefits available and the use of incentives and exclusions to allow the individual more independence.

Some of the other presentations available to your group are:

  • Navigating Life After 18
  • SSI – What is it? How to do you use it?
  • Understanding the complex maze of Government benefits
  • How work affects your benefits
  • Special Needs Financial Planning
  • ABLE account -What is it? Who can open one? How can it be used?

For more information about presentations  or to request that a subject be presented in a venue of your choice or via Zoom, please contact us. We are willing to travel.